What are the main differences between synthetic enamel and water-based enamel?

Finally, aside from the essential difference between the two – that the synthetic paint is
solvent-based and the enamel is water-based, let’s look at others that can be highlighted:
White and light colored synthetic enamel paint tends to turn yellow over time in indoor areas
where there is not enough sunlight;
Water-based nail polish doesn’t turn yellow over time;
Water-based enamel has a faster final drying than synthetic.
The synthetic can take up to 10 (standardized ones) and much more than that for those that
do not meet standards to dry completely;
Water-based enamel has lower gloss retention than solvent-based enamel;
It is normal and characteristic of solvent-based enamel to have a slightly higher gloss than
water-based enamel.
Synthetic enamel on the outside may perform less well than water-based paint because it is
less flexible than water-based paint, so it gets harder, which can lead to cracking;
Synthetic enamel requires a type of thinner to be removed and cleaned;
The water-based enamel can be cleaned only with soap and water, which makes cleaning
easier and is also the most ecological option;
After all, how do you know if it is better to use water-based enamel or solvent-based enamel?
Of course, there is no specific rule, everything will depend on the specific taste or custom,
although they have some different characteristics, in most cases it is possible to use both one
and the other, today water-based nail polishes already have as good performance as those of
solvent based. Painters house burlington